Yoga for ANYbody

The practice of yoga was designed to help humans have a deeper, more joyful, more meaningful existence.

Authentic Now Yoga is designed to help you integrate those concepts in your own unique, authentic way.


Make your practice your own

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Full Classes

Find a wide variety of yoga classes for ANYbody and everybody. Just what your authentic self is looking for today.

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Not every body is built like every other body so Authentic Now Yoga has a series of videos to help you make the postures work for your authentic body.

Yoga beyond the poses

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Yoga Tools and Tips

Yoga is more than just the practice of asanas (postures); here you will find other ways to deepen your mindfulness, balance your energy and simply connect more deeply with yourself.

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Tiny Talks

There is so much to say about the practice of yoga. Here you’ll find videos intended to broaden your mind and understanding of (mostly) all things yoga.

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Welcome to

Authentic Now Yoga

The online yoga studio for ANYbody and everybody.